Development study reveals origins of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Collaboration Data Cellular Genetics

Creating Cell Atlas of Human Development will transform understanding of health and disease

Many diseases have their origin in early human development, and today (8th September), two publications in Nature reveal how researchers from the Human Cell Atlas (HCA)* consortium are advancing understanding of this. The global HCA initiative is mapping every cell type in the human body, to transform our knowledge of biology, infection and disease.

A new large-scale study mapped the cells in the human gut from early development through to adulthood, creating the most comprehensive Cell Atlas of the Gut to date. This revealed that Crohn’s disease may be caused by activation of developmental pathways, and uncovered potential drug targets for treating Crohn’s and other Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. The detailed maps will help explain how the gut forms and functions, and will transform research into intestinal diseases.

The second publication reveals the hugely ambitious plan to create an entire Human Developmental Cell Atlas (HDCA) of all cells that are important for healthy human development. The gut is just one example of the importance of this, and researchers from the Human Cell Atlas Developmental Biological Network** and their collaborators worldwide, show how they will chart developing tissues comprehensively in space and time. Key to understanding what happens in early development and how this can affect health or lead to disease, the HDCA is likely to lead to transformations in healthcare.

The gut is a complicated tissue made of multiple cell types, and changes enormously during early development. To understand how the gut develops and functions, researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Newcastle University, University of Cambridge and their collaborators within the Human Cell Atlas, studied more than a third of a million individual gut cells§ from developing tissue and from child and adult donors.

Using cutting edge single-cell genomics and spatial analysis techniques, the team revealed which genes were active in each cell, and created a highly extensive Gut Cell Atlas§§, through time and across 12 regions of the intestines.

The Human Developmental Cell Atlas will provide a vital resource to understand many aspects of biology and disease, in order to improve human health. Our roadmap shows the progress we’ve achieved so far, including creating a gut development atlas, how we plan to overcome challenges to achieve a complete atlas of human development, and how this will be used to understand disease.