
Currently, the WebAtlas pipeline can process several types of data files as well as images.

Data files

Image files

Running the pipeline requires a YAML parameters file that lists the data to be processed. Templates of this parameters file are available in the templates directory.


The pipeline can optionally write datasets to the SpatialData format. Please see the write_spatialdata flag in the list of parameters for more information.

Parameters file

The parameters file defines several configuration options which apply to a full run of the pipeline (which can process one or more datasets). When running the pipeline, the path to the YAML file is indicated through the -params-file flag in the command line. For example:

nextflow run -params-file params.yaml

A parameters file looks like this:

outdir: "/path/to/output/"

    compute_embeddings: "True"

  - project: project_1
      - dataset: dataset_1
          - data_type: h5ad
            data_path: /path/to/project_1/dataset_1/anndata.h5ad
          - data_type: raw_image
            data_path: /path/to/project_1/dataset_1/raw_image.tif
          - data_type: label_image
            data_path: /path/to/project_1/dataset_1/label_image.tif

    xy: "obsm/spatial"
    obsm/X_umap: [0,1]
layout: "simple"
# custom_layout: "spatial|scatterplot" # overrides `layout`

The YAML file has multiple configuration segements. This is a simple breakdown of the example config file above:

  • The outdir entry in the file tells the pipeline where to deposit the result files.

outdir: "/path/to/output/"
  • The args.h5ad.compute_embeddings: "True" instructs the pipeline to compute dimensional reduction on the input Anndata and store the PCA and UMAP embeddings inside the obsm keys of the oject.

    compute_embeddings: "True"
  • The projects section defines the name of the current project and the datasets that are part of it.

  - project: project_1
      - dataset: dataset_1
  • Each dataset has name (ie. dataset_1) and is a collection of data objects each one containing a type and a path. The path (data_path) points to the file that should be processed. The type (data_type) specifies what the input file is and how the file will be processed.

- dataset: dataset_1
    - data_type: h5ad
      data_path: /path/to/project_1/dataset_1/anndata.h5ad
    - data_type: raw_image
      data_path: /path/to/project_1/dataset_1/raw_image.tif
    - data_type: label_image
      data_path: /path/to/project_1/dataset_1/label_image.tif
  • The final vitessce_options section helps configure properties to map the processed that to visual compoentents. For exmaple for Spatial data where the embedings are stored inside the object. For mappings, it tells the embedings to use and the range to map the values to (in this case from 0..1).

    xy: "obsm/spatial"
    obsm/X_umap: [0,1]

The more detailed list of parameters is as follows:




the path to the directory to which output files will be written.


true or false, if processed datasets should also get each written to SpatialData . Defaults to false.


true or false, if the pipeline should publish generated images’ .tif files to the output directory. Defaults to false.


a map of optional arguments per data type for the scripts that process them.

These serve as the default values for all projects.

See args.


a list of projects where each contain a list of datasets that hold one or more data files to process.

See project.


a map of the contents of an input Anndata object to be shown in the Vitessce visualization.

These values serve as the default for all projects.

See vitessce_options.


a predefined Vitessce layout to use, it can be either minimal, simple or advanced.

This value serves as the default for all projects.


optional string that defines a Vitessce layout following Vitessce’s View Config API’s layout alternative syntax (Vitessce components are concatenated horizontally with | and vertically with /).

Supersedes layout.

This value serves as the default for all projects.


  - project: project_1
        batch_processing: True

Multiple projects can be defined in a single parameters file, and each can define multiple datasets. Each project item is defined by the following keys:




a unique project name/id


a list of dataset items.

See dataset.


optional map of arguments per data type to set as default for all files within the project.

Supersedes global args.


    - dataset: dataset_1
      title: "Dataset 1"
          compute_embeddings: True

Multiple datasets belong to a single project, and each dataset can contain multiple data files. Each dataset item is defined by the following keys:




a unique (within the project) name/id


a list of data files to be processed. See data.


optional title to show in the Vitessce visualization


optional description to show in the Vitessce visualization


optional url to prepend to each converted data file in the output Vitessce config file. Vitessce will load files from this location. This may be the final location to which files will be uploaded to and served or a local location for testing.

Defaults to http://localhost:3000/


optional predefined Vitessce layout to use.

Supersedes the global layout.


optional string that defines a Vitessce layout.

Supersedes the global custom_layout. Supersedes layout.


optional map of the contents of an input Anndata object to be shown in the Vitessce visualization.

Supersedes the global vitessce_options.


optional map of arguments per data type to set as default for all files within the dataset.

Supersedes global and project args.

      data_type: h5ad
      data_path: /path/to/anndata.h5ad
        compute_embeddings: True
        batch_processing: True
      data_type: raw_image
      data_path: /path/to/sample_1.tif
      prefix: sample_1

Each data item defines an input file to be processed by the pipeline. Multiple data files belong to a single dataset.

A data item can define data files or images.

Data files are processed into AnnData objects and written to Zarr. Image ilres are written to Zarr through bioformats2raw.

For image files the supported image format is tif. Images can be either raw images (microscopy images) or label images (containing segmentations). Additionally, label images can be generated and processed if provided with the necessary data. Label images can be generated for Visium data if provided with an h5ad file or SpaceRanger output directory, and Xenium and MERSCOPE if provided with their respective output directories. Raw images can also be pre-processed, in the case of MERSCOPE data where the raw image channels are stored in separate tif files the pipeline can concatenate them to then convert them.

Each data item must define at least its data_type and data_path.

Supported values are:




Path to the h5ad file


Path to a SpaceRanger output directory


Path to a Xenium output directory


Path to a MERSCOPE output directory


Path to a molecules csv/tsv file


Path to the raw tif image


Path to the raw tif image


Path to a file or directory containing data from which to generate or pre-process a raw tif image.

Possible inputs depend on the supported technology from which the data is obtained,

  • merscope requires a path to the output directory containing an images directory where image channels are stored as tif files


Path to a file or directory containing data from which to generate a label tif image.

Possible inputs depend on the supported technology from which the data is obtained,

  • visium requires a path to an h5ad file or SpaceRanger output directory

  • xenium requires a path to a Xenium output directory

  • merscope requires a path to a MERSCOPE output directory

Each data item is defined with the following keys:




one of the supported types of files to be processed.

A type of data file: h5ad, spaceranger, molecules, xenium, merscope,

a type of image file raw_image, label_image,

or a type of image/data to generate/preprocess an image raw_image_data, label_image_data


path to the file or directory containing the data


optional string to prefix the output filenames, along with the project and dataset names, so the output filenames become {project}-{dataset}-{prefix}-file.ext.

Required if you have multiple input files of the same data_type within the same project and dataset, as they would otherwise get overwritten with the default output filename {project}-{dataset}-file.ext.

If a single input file generates multiple output files of the same type, a prefix will automatically be added to each of them to avoid overwritting.


optional map of arguments to use when processing the data file.

Note that this must be a map of only arguments that correspond to the file’s data_type.

Supersedes global, project and dataset args for that data_type.

In the case where data_type is raw_image_data or label_image_data extra keys should be defined








visium, xenium or merscope.



(required if shape is not set) a reference tif image of the size of the desired label image.



(required if ref_img is not set) shape of the desired label image as [int, int].


Available args depend of the data_type of each data item.

Image files data types raw_image and label_image take no args.

Possible values for each of the supported data types are as follows:

    compute_embeddings: "True" # set to `True` to compute PCA and UMAP if not already within the anndata object
    chunk_size: 20 # Zarr chunk size, defaults to 10
    var_index: "SYMBOL" # `var` column from the anndata object to use as the gene names in the webapp. This reindexes the `var` matrix
    obs_subset: ["sample", ["sample_id_1"]] # optional `obs` column name an value(s) to subset the anndata object
    var_subset: ["genome", ["GRCh38"]] # optional `var` column name an value(s) to subset the anndata object
    batch_processing: "False" # set to `True` to process the file in batches to avoid loading the whole object into memory if it is too large
    batch_size: 1000 # batch size (number of columns to process at a time if matrix is dense/csc, number of rows if matrix is csr) if `batch_processing` is set to `True`
    consolidate_metadata: "True" # whether to consolidate output zarr metadata. Defaults to `True`
    save_h5ad: "True" # save the intermediate h5ad to the output directory. Defaults to `False`
    load_clusters: "True" # set to `False` to disable loading the clusters from the `analysis` directory
    load_embeddings: "True" # set to `False` to disable loading the embeddings (UMAP, tSNE and PCA) from the `analysis` directory
    load_raw: "False" # set to `True` to load the raw count file instead of the filtered count file
    save_h5ad: "True" # save the intermediate h5ad to the output directory. Defaults to `False`
    spatial_as_pixel: "True" # convert spatial coordinates to pixel coordinates. Defaults to `True`
    resolution: 0.2125 # pixel resolution used to convert the spatial coordinates. Defaults to 0.2125
    save_h5ad: "True" # save the intermediate h5ad to the output directory. Defaults to `False`
    filter_prefix: "Blank-" # prefix to filter out data from the cell by gene data. Defaults to `Blank-`
    delimiter: "," # the file delimiter. Defaults to `\t`
    has_header: "True" # set to `False` if csv/tsv file contains no header
    gene_col_name: "Name" # name of the column for gene names. Defaults to `Name`.
    x_col_name: "x_int" # name of the column for `x` coordinates. Defaults to `x_int`.
    y_col_name: "y_int" # name of the column for `y` coordinates. Defaults to `y_int`.
    gene_col_idx: 0 # column index of the column for gene names in case `has_header` is `False`.
    x_col_idx: 1 # column index of the column for `x` coordinates in case `has_header` is `False`.
    y_col_idx: 2 # column index of the column for `y` coordinates in case `has_header` is `False`.

Note that in the case of spaceranger, xenium and merscope data, it initially gets converted into an h5ad file and so when processed the args for h5ad also apply to them. If specifying args directly to a data item of these types you can define both the args for that specific data_type and h5ad.


      data_type: spaceranger
      data_path: /path/to/project_1/dataset_1/spaceranger/output/
        load_embeddings: True # for spaceranger
        compute_embeddings: False # for intermediate h5ad

Image-data files data types (files from which to generate image files or images that require preprocessing) raw_image_data and label_image_data take args at data level (no global, project or dataset defaults) depending on their file_type. | Label images can be generated from data from file_type’s visium, xenium or merscope. | Raw images can be preprocess from file_type merscope.

Image-data files of type visium can take the following args:

    data_type: label_image_data
    data_path: /path/to/visium/anndata.h5ad
    file_type: visium
      obs_subset: ["sample", ["sample_id_1"]] # optional `obs` column name an value(s) to subset the anndata object
      sample_id: ["sample_id_1"] # optional key within anndata.uns["spatial"]. Defaults to the first key.
      relative_size: "nspots" # optional key within anndata.obs that contains multipliers for the spot size. Only useful for data that has been preprocessed to merge spots or modify spots' sizes. Defaults to None.

Image-data files of type xenium can take the following args:

    data_type: label_image_data
    data_path: /path/to/xenium/output/
    file_type: xenium
      resolution: 0.2125 # optional pixel resolution. Defaults to 0.2125

Image-data files of type merscope can take the following args:

    data_type: label_image_data # or raw_image_data
    data_path: /path/to/merscope/output/
    file_type: merscope
      z_index: [0] # optional Z indices to process. Defaults to [0]

Vitessce options

The vitessce_options map is used to write Vitessce config files. One Vitessce config file is generated per dataset. Include relevant information from your data to be visualized. All values are optional as they depend on them existing in your data.

Values that can be specified are as follows:

    xy: "obsm/spatial" # where the Anndata object holds spatial coordinates
  mappings: # list of embeddings and the index of the dimensions to use in a scatterplot
    obsm/X_umap: [0,1]
    obsm/spatial: [0,1]
  factors: # list of useful metadata to show per cell when hovering over them in the visualization
    - "obs/sample"
  sets: # list of keys for grouping cells
    - name: "obs/celltype" # key with cell set labels
      score: "obs/celltype_prob" # key with cell set confidence/percentage scores (float values [0,1])
    - "obs/sample" # key with cell set labels, without associated scores
  matrix: "X" # expression matrix to use

Note that the pipeline does not check for the existence of these metadata within the AnnData object. It is written directly to the Vitessce config file. If they’re incorrectly specified then an error will occur when Vitessce tries to load the data.

The output config file can be manually edited without re-running the pipeline to fix or adapt the visualization to your needs.